Are you still here?

2 min readJun 14, 2024

Dear reader,

Are you still here?

Photo by Oliver Hihn on Unsplash

I listened again. To the thoughts that make me feel so little. You ask where I’ve been? I’ve been no where, but inside my head.

My laptop broke, so I can’t write for a while, or so I thought. I feel comfortable only writing on a laptop.

But you don’t understand, how much my inside was burning to write to you. Did you miss me? Cause I missed you dearly, dearest reader.

I don’t know what it is, but I’m questioning everything and if I’m okay with where I am. Midlife crisis? Maybe something like that.

I get in these feelings, and overthink everything, even though, I know that everything is already planned and everything will be okay.

Just the whispers, get to me. When I’m alone and silent. Should keep myself busy more.

I’m not here to complain, but I’ve got thoughts that need sorting out and I have no one to talk to them about.

Sad right? I probably should make a friend. Staying inside my head won’t in any way help me out. If anything, this will slowly kill me.

I’ve been thinking, how comfortable I’ve got with being by myself. On one side, this is good because you’re not in need of others, and aren’t attached and won’t be worried about separation.

